When you're about to talk to potential renters, it's important to get some very basic information from them to simply start an conversation. How many people? When are they looking to start renting? And some other basic information is usually the first step in this sort of exchange... we call them Introductions.
Rather than emailing back the same questions to every person that expresses interest in renting your property, we've created Inhabitz Prescreening: a simple link you create once and can post, email, or share that funnels all interested people to a page where they can put together a quick, simple, and effective renter's profile that you can view, and then decide if you'd like to start up that initial conversation. By getting these initial introductions out of the way in almost automated way, you can free up your time to focus on the renters who are more likely to end up renting your property. Best of all, it's free.